Why learning Indian Classical Dance is the beneficial for kids

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Why learning Indian Classical Dance is the beneficial for kids

Are you looking for something to get your kids involved in some sort of activity this summer? If so, you should consider enrolling them in Indian Classical Dance training. According to recent studies, there are many benefits to learning this unique form of dance. Let your child explore the endless benefits of Classical Indian Dance Forms. Why not take up this opportunity to develop their skills and learn an inspiring art form?

Here are few reasons why learning Indian Classical Dance is a great idea:

  1. Improve balance and coordinationThis centuries-old form of dance is not only visually stunning but also provides a great workout for your body and mind. Benefits of classical Indian dance include improved balance, coordination, agility, strength, and stamina. So if you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to improve your health, give classical Indian dance a try!
  2. Stay Connected To Indian CultureThe art of classical dance not only involves flowing movements and expressions, but also has an underlying message which conveys culture. This form creates a platform for children to connect with their roots while learning new skills in gracefulness through elegant poses.
  3. Develops a sense of inner peaceThe ancient art of classical dance has been proven to produce peace in mind and body. This can help children develop their natural tendency for calmness, which will serve them well throughout life as they navigate the ups-and downs that come with it!
  4. Increases focusIndian Classical Dance Training is an excellent way to improve focus and coordination. With this type of dance, your child can learn how various moves work together, with complete accuracy. It trains your child about posture control for prolonged periods.
  5. Improves child’s fitness levelsIndian Classical Dance is not only an art form but also a great way for kids of all ages and abilities to get some exercise and improve their fitness levels while having fun.. The slow, elegant movements help train your child, mind and body awareness while practicing footwork at the same time!

Indian Classical Dance has many benefits and it is an art form that can be practiced by anyone. You may not know what type of dance you want your child to learn but here are some popular ones for your consideration:

Bharatanatyam (Southern Style):

This style originated in India, though now there are several versions across the world with different techniques being used depending on region such as Kolkata versus Tulsa Dancer’s costumes will vary slightly too; this particular kind focuses heavily into temple worshiping through religious rituals which include elaborate makeup looks + synchronized movements among others–it was created specifically at healing spiritual ailments.

The art of Bharatanatyam is so beautiful and has the power to heal. The movements are flawless, expressions perfect with seamless footwork that’ll leave you in awe from start till finish! It’s an impressive classical dance form needing rigorous practice on wrist motions as well facial expression UPSPENCE OF THE NEEDED MOVEMENTS.

Kathak dance :

Kathak dance is a form of Indian Dance that tells stories through the movements and expressions on your face, as well as those in between. It’s typically performed by dancers from Northern India but can also be found throughout Central nation or even internationally! This type requires learning many different modules including poses for each muscle group along with gracefulness when moving around the stage while still maintaining perfect timing- there isn’t any space wasted during this performance because it must always look intentional even if accidental happens meanwhile what you’re doing looks effortless.

Kuchipudi Dance:

Kuchipudi is a classical dance form that originated in Andhra Pradesh and has more rounded poses than other forms. The expressive performance aspect (Nritya) trading off between rhythmical hand gestures helps tell the story, while also focusing on the beauty of the line created by each move with intricate footwork.

This particular type focuses heavily on their facial expressions which can be seen as beautiful or painful depending upon how they perform them at any given time during routine.

You are surely wondering where to enroll your children for learning it?       

I will tell you the answer right away – there’s no one-size fits all solution that works in this case. What might be best suited as an adult, may not necessarily do much good when trying to get kids interested or excited about something they don’t really want too badly enough already (like reading). There ARE some great programs out there though; if we take advantage of these opportunities then maybe someday soon our future generation won’t even need any encouragement from us at all!

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